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To the Nobel committee, 


This time around, you have to choose a person for the new award this year, the communication award. The communication is awarded to people who contributed significantly to the worlds communication, helping people from all over the world communicate with each other, therefore advancing humanity in the way that you don’t have to travel to somewhere to speak with somebody. But before you decide, I would like to convince you to give the Nobel peace prize to Alexander Graham Bell. 


Firstly, The reason why Alexander Bell should be given the prize is his dedication to teaching the deaf the alphabet. A key step in communication across the world is improving it by helping the people who can't hear communicate, Bell's mother was deaf and his father made special instruments for deaf communication which Alexander's mother used to communicate, and as Bell grew up he continued on what his father did and continued to educate the deaf. Bell created different instruments used for deaf education. 


Secondly, he properly invented the telephone, the concept was shared among many people, but Alexander was the first to put the plan into action and make a well-functioning telephone. With the invention of the telephone people from different places would be able to speak with each other over the telephone, making it so you wouldn’t have to meet up with somebody to speak with them. This is clearly a massive step in communication, allowing people to speak to whoever they want, using the telephone. 


Lastly, Alexander Bell established one of the first telegraph / telephone company, the American telegraph and telephone company. This company started easier telephone communication, because before that access to the telephone was extremely limited and a telephone / telegraph company made that communication so much easier. 


All these points for Alexander Bell's extraordinary help for the worlds communication must have convinced you to nominate him for this year's communication prize for the nobel peace prize, he made communication in the world so much easier, as well as playing a huge role in deaf education, if all these defining points don’t convince you, then nothing will about who will get the communication award. 


From Leo. 



Did you know both Bell's Mother and Wife were deaf? This was another reason to work in deaf education.

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