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Have you thought of what life would be like right now if the telephone hadn't been invented? Could you imagine what communication would have been like? The only reason we currently have smart phones to contact each other today is because of the invention of the telephone in 1874 in Canada, made by Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Bell was born in 1847 in Scottland, and died in 1922, But there's a lot more to him than inventing the telephone, the device allowing us to communicate with others without having to directly talk face-to-face with them. 


When Alexander Bell was younger he received schooling from his father until he was around 11, but in that time he made a simple de-husking machine with paddles and nail brushes witch was used in a mill for a while. For high school, Alexander was enrolled in the royal high school in Edinburgh, Scottland, which he then left at the age of 15, but his school record was amateur and lackluster. 


I deserve to further research Alexander Bell, because of how he progressed humanity. Alexander Bell is a notable person because he invented the telephone, which allows communication across large distances. Alexander also played a big role in deaf education, his main interest in life was deaf education, he taught deaf kids the alphabet, as well as teaching many teachers how to teach deaf kids the alphabet. Another notable thing he did was co-found one of the American telegraph / telephone company. With this much to do with helping communication between people, whether it be with deaf people, or telephones he helped how we communicate today. 


The reason Alexander Bell helped the deaf and taught the alphabet, is because his mother was deaf. Alexander Bell was actually Scottish, American and Canadian, and he made the telephone in his parent's house in Canada. Alexander Bell is a notable person as he helped the worlds communication, pushing communication between people further. That’s why I think I should be able to research Alexander Bell further and do my night of notables on him



Did you know that Bell's main focus in life was deaf education, rather than inventing things like the telephone?

Did you know that Bell's Father and Grandfather worked in deaf education, this is why Bell did the same thing?

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