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Why is Alexander Graham Bell considered notable? 


Alexander Graham Bell was born on the third of March 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. As a young child he had Two brothers, Melville James Bell, and Edward Charles Bell, and his father was professor, Alexander Melville Bell, who was a phonetician, his father’s occupation was one of the main reasons Bell did what he did later in life, and his mother was Eliza Grace Bell, who was deaf, this is another leading reason Alexander Bell played such an important role in deaf education, following in his father's footsteps, since his father helped educate the deaf before he was born. Before he was 10 years old, Alexander, did not have a middle name, at that point he was only Alexander Bell, not Alexander Graham Bell, but after asking his father for a middle name, because his brothers had one and he did not, then he was gifted the middle name Graham. His family home on South Rose Street in Edinburgh has a sign outside marking his birthplace. 


For most of his early life he was homeschooled by his mother, despite her being deaf. At age 12, while playing near a grain mill, he noticed that the husking of the wheat grain was a slow process, then later the same day when he was at home, he made a device using rotating paddles and nail brushes to speed up the process of de-husking. At age 16 he was helping his father in his business of helping the deaf, he then assumed full operation of his father's business in London, and on one of his father's business trips to North America, he thought it was a much healthier environment than Edinburgh as he thought London was a good place to stay, but changed his mind after both of Alexander’s brothers died from tuberculosis, so he decided to move the family there. In 1870 they settled in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. 


Seven years later in 1877 he married Mable Hubbard, and she had been deaf since early childhood. Bell invented quite a few things in his life, one of which is very famous, the telephone. The original telephone is made with a liquid transmitter, sulphuric acid and many other things that make up the telephone and allowed it to work when it was first created.  The process of making the telephone was tricky, he spent long days and nights throughout 1873 and 1874 attempting to create a talking a telegraph, which didn’t work, but at the time he had another idea, transmitting voice over wires, but he   called an electrical worker, Watson to help make the telegraph. Bell shared his ideas with Watson about the telephone, and he was interested by the idea, they were in a partnership, Bell came up with the idea for the telephone, while Watson made the telephone. At some point, Bell heard something go through the wire of the telephone, he then called through the telephone to where Watson was and said ‘Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you’ these are the famous, first words on the telephone. 


The reason Alexander Bell is considered notable, is the push he gave to modern communication, a few examples is his telegraph and telephone company, teaching deaf people the alphabet, and of course, making the first working telephone patent. One of the reasons that Bell put his life towards deaf education, is that when he was growing up his mother was deaf, and his father and even grandfather worked in deaf education, and Bell used some of the same things his father did when tutoring deaf people, and even when Bell grew up and married his wife was deaf too. Bell also made a school which was made to teach teachers on how to educate deaf children, because in 1871, Bell moved to Boston in America, to teach at different schools and teach deaf children that went there. 


It is necessary that Alexander Bell is considered notable, as the invention of the telephone created a massive impact on the world, allowing fast communication for business and other uses, and the telephone soon became necessary to people’s lives similar to smart phones today, even though they’re very different in terms of what you can do on it, but the smart phones today evolved from the original telephone made in 1875, for all we know if the telephone made in 1875 was made 100 years later we could be stuck with the same telephone, and I probably wouldn’t be typing this on a laptop, because most of modern technology evolved from the telephone made in 1875. 


The American telephone and telegraph company founded in 1885, the company has a rocky history, but that doesn’t ignore that it was essential to communication, the company’s job was setting up telephone lines across the country, this would allow communication with the telephone all around America from California to Florida, this was the next step up from the telephone, instead of communicating from not too far away, you would be able to communicate across the country. The American telephone and telegraph company, known as at-t today was not only founded by Alexander Bell, but was also founded by Bell Gardiner, Thomas Sanders, and Greene Hubbard. 


The impact Alexander Bell has made on my life today is the easy communication between people, today we might not use the old telephones, but I still use a smart phone to communicate with people, which is like an evolution from the old basic telephone which could only call. A connection between my notable and myself, is that my life currently relies on easy communication, without this easy communication I might not know where to be picked up after school, or what to do when something has gone wrong. The way he has inspired me is to stay optimistic in everything I do, one of Bell's character traits that people speak the most about, is his perseverance and optimism, he was always determined to complete what he started, and I strive to be just like that, instead of easily giving up on challenging things like I often do now, I want to strive to hold the same optimism and to keep going when I'm stuck on something that I think is challenging, but if I persevere through it, I'll complete it. 


Alexander Bell’s characteristics were that he was extremely optimistic and had a lot of perseverance, his strive to invent a talking telegraph was big, but when he thought of something that nobody in America had done yet, make a telephone, something that could transport sound over wires, his strive to complete this invention was even bigger, as he would be one of the first people to create a device to allow long distance communication. I have used multiple sources to answer the big question, like to see most of his life, wikipedia, to fill in gaps I can't fill using other sites, and I used ericsson to look for more information about the telephone, I also used and to check for more background knowledge / information, but luckily the process of researching him was decently easy, there were multiple sites which provided good information about him. Bell’s life was led more by challenging work than luck, as he had to work to complete his inventions and other things like deaf education. 


This is why Alexander Graham Bell is considered notable, he brought communication a lot further, for deaf people and communication in general using the telephone, his invention, the telephone sparked modern communication through smartphones and other modern devices. 


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