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I am thinking about my research on the invention of the telephone from the point of view of Alexander Bell.  


I have finally invented the device I have inspired to make, the telephone, it quite the invention allowing communication over short distances, it is made of certain things like a membrane over a drum, sulphuric acid, a cork, and a liquid transmitter, these are all things that allow the telephone to work and transmit sound over distances. I have just tested telephone, and I have said the first words over the telephone 'Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you" I may have not been the first to make something like this, many other have made talking telegraphs, but I am the first to make a working patent of a telephone. 


I am thinking about my research on the invention of the telephone from the point of a view of a citizen at the time of the invention. 


Something wonderful has been invented, a device called the telephone, something like this feels like it belongs in the future, it can make communication easy, your voice traveling through something to the other end, it's pretty amazing, and now if I'm lucky I won't have to meet somebody in person to talk with them, but it seems that the telephone hasn’t been made more than once, and once its sold, it will be super expensive to purchase. There could be a chance that there will be telephones for free, but the invention has only been used a few times, so I don’t know much about the telephone yet, but I feel like this invention will change the world, imagine bigger and better telephones that could reach across countries. Those would be a lot better than the one made by Alexander Bell today. 


I am thinking about my research on the telephone from my point of view today. 


Right now the first invention of the telephone in 1854 isn't so impressive compared to the fancy smartphones today, as the first telephones weren't able to be carried around in your pocket, they didn’t have applications, the only thing they had were calling people. But in 1854 when the telephone was invented it was an amazing discovery, people had made talking telegraphs before,  but they weren't the same as a working telephone. The public was amazed by the discovery of talking to other people from a long distance, instead of having to talk in person, you could just talk over the new telephone. Alexander Bell did not come up with the idea or way to make the telephone, that was the job of Charles Bourseul in 1849, who only proposed the idea, but Bell was the first to properly make it. 

Visual Thinking Routine- Circle of Viewpoints


Throughout the proper invention of the telephone, Bell came up with the ideas, and Watson, an electrician who helped Bell make his talking telegraph, brought it to life, Watson decided to help as he was intrigued by the idea.

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